Visit me @ RendezVous in Antwerpen!?
This is going to be a great weekend with art, fashion, design, gifts, champagne, great food, music, dancing & much more in a fantastic environment . ❤️ #whatelsedoesoneneed
Friday November 2nd from 11u until 23u. With a concert by Namid & Dago Sondervan from 21u.
Saturday November 3rd from 11u until 19u – 19h30 diner with a party with dj’s Mike Shift en Axel Daeseleire from 22h
Sunday November 4th from 11u until 18u.
Location: the beautiful HAVN church, Italïelei 8, 2000 Antwerp.
More info: https://www.eventrendezvousbelgique.com
Hope to see you there! This will be fun! :)