Rinus Van de Velde (1983, Leuven, Belgium) is an artist who’s work has been fascinating me from the first moment I saw it. I did plan to write my 3th inspiration post about somebody else because I feel his style feels similar to Hans Op de Beeck. I love totally different styles too but Rinus is having the opening of his solo exhibition in Antwerp next week at Tim Van Laere Gallery so I just had to move him up. :)
Rinus draws himself as an actor in the biography of an imaginary artist. He is most known for his large, often many metres wide, charcoal drawings with lots of details and accompanied by texts that establish a context. The black and white drawings have a certain melancholy & revolve around the tension between fiction and reality.
‘In the end it’s all about finding a way to live in this world, to create your own structure. Everybody has to create his or her own fiction and live in it, otherwise you can’t survive.’ – Rinus Van de Velde
He started his work using images he found but now makes his own pictures, an evolution I would love to make myself some time soon. :)
Speaking of myself, I have to keep this post short because I’ve got to work on my own expo on October! ;)
Do you like what you see? Make sure to visit his expo @ Tim Van Laere Gallery, check his website or check the Tim Van Laere Facebook page which has lots of interviews about the coming exhibition.
Hasta la próxima! :)
X, Kathleen.