A picture is worth a thousand words…

& I love them!

Galerie 't Pepertje Diepenbeek

Photography, pictures, images, … or the way I see the world. As a child, I was drawn to the beautiful, mysterious and sometimes shocking images I saw in my parents’ photo gallery, ‘t Pepertje in Diepenbeek. My fascination for the power of images was born and has never left.

At art school I used photography in my work and for my final Master thesis I chose the subject ‘Photography as art & art as photography’. Ironically, I don’t have any pictures of the work I made when studying. ;p

In 2006 I bought my first DSLR and I have been making pictures on a regular basis since then. For the last 5 years I’m mostly using my iPhone because the best camera is the one you have on you. ;)

I love to take pictures that capture the atmosphere of the moment as a way to relive the moment over and over again.

Some of my favourite images from the last 10 years…