What about these for a present?Entering the Bernard-Massard competition last months gave me some new ideas and I would love some feedback from you! 😊 - Would you buy a giftbox for wine? - Would you prefer a cheaper price with no exclusivity or would you prefer a limited edition so that they are more special, considering the price would be (quiet a bit) higher when they are limited edition. - What would you pay for a box like this? Maximum & minimum price? - Would you prefer buying the wine yourself or would you like a box that has a bottle in it? - If you want the wine included, would you like a budget wine or a more exclusive wine? - Would you prefer buying a box in my webshop or in a shop that sells wine? You would help me a lot by answering one or more of these questions (in English or Dutch)! Thanks in advance!
Posted by KathleenSteegmans.be on Monday, May 29, 2017
Gift boxes for the end of year?
Unfortunately I din’t win the Bernard-Massard contest but it did give me another idea. I’m thinking about designing a series of gift boxes for the end of year and sell them through a selection of quality wine stores & webshops. In the video on the left you can see two proto-types.
I’ll be working out a business plan in summer and if things look good I’ll hope to start producing in September. Want to keep informed? Subscribe to my mailinglist! If you own a wine store and are interested in selling the boxes, feel free to send me an e-mail.
A big thank you to everybody who liked & shared the contest! <3
On May 11th, I made a painting and told my vision behind it on a stage in front of +100 people during the kick-off event of Federatie Kinderopvang.
A few weeks before a friend asked me why I didn’t do live video’s while I was painting or drawing. I told her that I didn’t like it when people saw my work in an early stage because it can be quit messy and I’m a perfectionist who only likes the end result. Besides this I’ve never felt comfortable with people looking over my shoulder when I’m working. I surprised myself when I said yes to this assignment. ;)
Quite a big move out of my comfort zone but differently worth it!

Some of my prints can now be seen in the Home.made.stories,
Sint-Katelijnevest 53
What’s coming?
I’ll be re-arranging my webshop in the following weeks. I’ll take out 50 of the 100 days prints because it’s just to much and add some original paintings. The option to order a different color print will also be removed. If you want this option just send me an e-mail! :)
Besides this I’ll be working on some new small paintings which will be for sale in summer.
And maybe a collection of small golden illustrations in a limited edition, and the wine boxes of course, and, …, whiiieeeeeh! I’ve got more ideas then days in a year and I’ve been known for changing my plans so we’ll see! ;)
Want to be the first to know?
Subscribe to my mailinglist and follow me on Facebook or Instagram. (don’t forget to check my insta stories, I bought a gorillapod to start experimenting with video’s of my work in progress… :))
Have a great day or night!
X, Kathleen.