Hello you,
In just a few weeks, we will be moving to a new location. It will be a significant change for me, as I’ll no longer be working from home, but I’m looking forward to this fresh start.
While preparing for the move, I’m also thrilled to announce that I’m working on a brand new collection, which I will be showing at the end of the year. More news about this later! Right now, I would like to personally invite you to our upcoming studio sale, which is taking place on July 15 & 16.
During this special event, you’ll have the opportunity to acquire artwork created by both myself and my partner, Tim, at affordable prices. I firmly believe that art is meant to be appreciated and enjoyed, adorning the walls of those who truly cherish it rather than sitting in storage. So, if you’re interested in adding a touch of creativity to your living space, this is the perfect opportunity.
Please feel welcome to visit our studio on Saturday or Sunday between 14:00 and 19:00u. We are located at Jonghelinckstraat 8A, Antwerpen. There’s no obligation to make a purchase. We would simply love to have you there as we celebrate and create lasting memories before saying farewell to this space that has been our artistic haven for the past seven years.
As always, we will ensure that cold drinks are available for your enjoyment throughout the day. So, join us, and let’s make this weekend truly memorable!
We sincerely hope to see you there.
With love,
Kathleen & Tim